Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Israel’s Mentally Besieged Leaders Accept “Cease-Fire”! Refuels,Feeds,Supplies Enemy Population Too.Why?

Israel’s Mentally Besieged Leaders Accept “Cease-Fire”! Refuels,Feeds,Supplies Enemy Population Too.Why? 

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

SEE THIS VIDEO....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhsjpTWsMh4
{re-blogged at Jews Down Under}
READING the news coming out of Israel, one can be forgiven for thinking that they landed in an Alice-in-Wonderland, rabbit hole-worthy, topsy-turvy universe. More specifically, readers could rightfully posit: what level of crazy is Israel’s top leadership operating from? And, as an Israeli (American ex pat), this inquiring mind demands to know!
MOST significantly, this site incessantly warned: yes, PM Netanyahu’s spinelessness, his gravitational pull towards “cease-fires” (unable to say NO to the Islamist-in-Chief & others), will be the death of many Zionists.
NOT only that, cease-fires with terror orgs are illegal! They are against international law and Israel’s own Basic Laws. Nevertheless, true to form, here he blows again. Mind you, regardless of his blatherings, he is capitulating behind the scenes. Yet, as the master of the high art of rhetoric, a full on orator, he will spin it otherwise. DON’T believe him – or his surrogates – for a nanosecond. This site’s considerably plugged in contacts are in full agreement with the above analysis.
SO, instead of standing tall, upright and proud, even as the blah, blah, reflexively anti-Israel world media gang bangs against the only western outpost within the barbaric, head chopping Mid East;
SEE THIS VIDEO......  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaqWqjb4w6s
and as Obama’s minionsUN haters and Euro hypocrites join the fray, exhorting,“stop killing the Gazans”, the fact of the matter is, in reality, Israel’s political leadership has tasked the IDF to bend over – ass backwards – to protect the Gazan population and to hell with Israel’s majority population’s wishes to FINALLY lead Israel to victory! The proofs, attesting to his derelict leadership, are manifest and beyond dispute. Irrefutable.
FROM dropping leaflets in Arabic to warn civilians to get out of harm’s way, at the expense of tipping off enemy terror cells that the IDF is heading in their direction; 
Ynet’s veteran defense analyst Ron Ben Yishai reported that one of the reasons that Hamas was prepared to face Israeli ground troops in the Shejaiya neighborhood, where IDF suffered 13 killed in one day of fighting, is that the residents were given ample advance notice of the IDF’s intent to enter the neighborhood.
to hamstringing IAF pilots, stopping them from giving ample air cover – if civilians are around – their collective “madness” becomes visible.
TOPPING off the leadership’s mental besiegement, how about the fact that they keep fueling Gaza’s electric requirements (even though Israel unilaterally “disengaged” from the Strip in Aug 2005), still knowing that much of it gets diverted to rocket/missile-making capabilities, not to mention the cement trucks that pour in, which Hamas uses to build terror tunnels! Is this not madness…שִׁגָּעוֺן?

STILL, the urgent issue for this blogger (and a preponderance of fellow Zionist Israelis) remains: instead of feeding and fueling the enemy population, why aren’t all of Israel’s energies directed towards a single-minded mission: TAKING THIS MONSTER DOWN NOW!
Even as Hamas continues its terrorist actions and fires rockets towards Israel, the IDF continues to transfer goods to Gazans.
On Sunday, the IDF transferred 186 truckloads of food, medical supplies, fuel and other goods into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom border crossing.
Hamas has for years claimed that Israel is imposing a “siege” on Gaza, yet Israel consistently allows humanitarian aid and other materials into the coastal territory.
Israel has approved hundreds of internationally funded and monitored projects in Gaza, and Hamas has “returned the favor” by building dozens of terror tunnels which lead from Gaza into Israeli communities.
As part of the IDF’s commitment to minimizing civilian casualties, it has set up a field hospital capable of advanced medical treatment and which treats Gazans who are hurt during Operation Protective Edge as they are used as human shields by Hamas.
they voted them in,have to pay the price not unlike the Germansnazis they use them as shields why is israel treating them better than their own murderous leaders-use ehrenfeld email …israel’s haters will call her a murderous regime regardless of its merciful acts where self defense is not even afforded to her, so, there isn’t even a payoff on the diplo or court of public opinion level
THIS enraging topic was explored, somewhat, at an interview, in May 2013. Its efficacy is more than resonant, particularly as many are witnessing the unfathomable behavior coming out of Israel’s top political leadership. Mind you, they are proud of themselves! Atta boychiks…
Adina Kutnicki: First and foremost, the Post-Zionist movement in Israel is replete within every sector where civil society elitists permeate. They burrow deeply inside the political and military hierarchies and their tentacles reach within academia, media, legal, cultural and public diplomacy arenas. Many are leftist ideologues, but some are simply well paid whores, handsomely provided for by various foreign-funded NGO’s, all in order to ply their wares. The New Israel Fund (among others) is a major umbrella front for those who seek to delegitimize Israel as the Jewish national homeland. On the other hand, it is estimated that a very small fraction (approximately 3%) of the Jewish majority public veers to the left. Nevertheless, the majority’s wishes are continually marginalized, and herein lies much of the rancor and push back from nationalist Jews, of which I am immeasurably aligned with.
As to the mental aberration, why Jews (hailing chiefly from the left) side with sworn enemies, well, this is a question which Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, as well as a PhD historian from Princeton, answered in his masterpiece; a monumental, epoch feat of scholarship “The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.” To make a long story short (and to save myself from a throbbing headache…this subject irks to no end), a chronically besieged people – and the Jewish people qualify like none other – often end up internalizing the hatred and delude themselves about the malevolent intent of their enemies. The visceral, non-quenching hatred is too onerous to bear, therefore, fantasy becomes blurred with reality. Feeling totally out of control, they invent a fairy tale, not unlike chronically abused children. But this is just its tip, the rest must be gleaned through the book itself. It is an eye opener and jaw dropper.
IN light of their demonstrative mental besiegement, the Jewish adage, “he who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate”,couldn’t be any more prescient. Pressing.
GUARANTEED, regardless of the leadership’s appeasement, rest assured, the following is emblematic of those they insist on being humane to in Gaza – Islamic barbarians!
TRENCHANTLY, the monsters that Israel’s leaders continue to feed, resupply and refuse to topple in toto – at the behest of the Islamist-in-Chief - can never be satiated. Never.
ESSENTIALLY, the capitulation – via a war of attrition – of Israel is more important to Obama Inc. and assorted henchpeople, than exposing Hamastan in its full ignominy. That’s a fact. But why is this acceptable to the Spineless-leader-in-Chief? Rhetorical.
EGREGIOUSLY, Bibi betrays all the soldiers – as he paradoxically heaps praise upon their service – begging to finish Hamas off, once and for all!
UNFORGIVABLY, the leadership pisses on their heads and makes a mockery of their sacrifices; those who lived to tell the tales and those who died in vain (yes, they died for naught), believing that they were going to finish off the enemy, particularly after such a ferocious blitzkrieg on the nation!
MAY G-d have mercy on their souls…. 
INTRINSICALLY, a recent commentary (in the midst of the latest “operation”) is the only plausible way forward, at least for the majority Zionist population:“Israeli Spring Cleaning” Can’t Come Soon Enough: Bibi Waffling – Once Again!
CONCOMITANTLY, why do Israel’s demented leaders still feel a responsibility to take care of the Gazans, when their own leadership uses them as human shields, and many of them voted in the terror apparatus to begin with?
SEE THIS VIDEO....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqt_XbjYEKo
THIS explosive finding too…..

Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

TO wit, does this make them feel like good “humanitarians”, even as their irrational actions prolong the war against Israel, leaving victory at bay, terrified to “harm the Gazans” and to FINALLY end the madness?


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